Popular Demand Pictures, GITPO Spirit Lodge, and Canadian Heritage Present the Third Vignette on the Mi'kmaq Language

For the final instalment of the trilogy NPISUN (Medicine), we joined Elder Tully Paul for a day of foraging in beautiful Red Bank, New Brunswick.

Watch the entire trilogy at ‪@populardemandpics‬:

  • A'su'n (Quilt) - August 9
  • Pepkwejete'maqn (Drum) - August 16
  • Npisun (Medicine) - August 23

August 9 is The International Day of the World's Indigenous People. Popular Demand Pictures, GITPO Spirit Lodge, and Canadian Heritage have partnered to create a trilogy of vignettes on the Mi'kmaq language.

// POPULAR DEMAND PICTURES was founded by award-winning filmmaker Jon Mann.